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Architect, Writer, Poet, and Designer

Farah W. Al-Hashimi

A Lie


We live in a lying world…. we live in a lie.

People kill each other for a lie.

Invaders conquer for a lie.

Preachers hold their followers with a lie.

Leaders govern people with a lie.

Lovers use their love to lie.

Couples marry for a lie.

People lie to others till they die!

We let ourselves believe in lies!

……     ……     ……     ……    

I, myself, cannot post these texts elsewhere.

THEY will accuse me of many lies.

……     ……     ……     ……    

Poor are the people who live in this lie

Poor is the person who sets these lies

Poor, the historian who writes with the pen of a lie.

Enough with the lies!


F. Al-Hashimi - Nottingham, 2015

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